What does one who is one hundred wish for in the year ahead?
Isabelle McClellan is a smiling and easy-going lady who lives in an assisted living home. She moved to Courtyard Gardens Retirement Residence in Richmond, BC to be closer to her family. At first, it was tough to leave the community where her friends lived and her big house, but her daughter was not in the same town and so Isabelle moved.
Her takes on some of the hot topics in the last year were probably like many others, regardless of her age. She hopes that we all can do more to help improve the climate situation, but she doesn’t worry too much about it. In talking about politics, she says she tries not to think about it too much!
The big change for her in this past year was she celebrated her 100th birthday in November. She says it doesn’t feel much different than years before, except that everyone reminds you all year long about it. She said she thought about turning 100 an awful lot beforehand, but since, it’s no big deal she says.
Overall, Isabelle says that she has been a lucky person, she has had very good health and a wonderful family, good friends and a good life. She misses some of the travel and adventures she and her husband used to do but gets lots of happiness from the family around her and she loves seeing the young ones. She spends her time trying to keep track of where everyone is and how they are keeping. She says she gets tired more now than she did before but shakes it off with a smile and a laugh.
Isabelle’s secret to living a full life and what she is looking ahead to in 2020? Her wish is for continued good health and happiness. That is all she needs. She says, “always be positive and don’t spend your time being negative.” Sound advice for people of any age.
Written by Amanda Hill, GM, Courtyard Gardens