Many of us spend lots of time buying a new car, booking a holiday or searching for a financial advisor. The same should apply when you are considering a move into a retirement residence.
Moving into a retirement residence is a major lifestyle change and requires as much thought and planning as any other important decision in your life. If you have the time, it’s best to consider your needs while you are still healthy and focused on task.
There are considerable choices in the marketplace and every home has a different character and community. Most retirement residences have a designated sales person who would be happy to show you around, answer your questions and provide you with a brochure for future reference. A walk-through of three different properties will help you define your needs and narrow down your choices.
If you invest your time wisely and do your homework, you will eventually reach a decision that is comfortable and remarkably easy to accept. Then, when it’s time to act, you will have a clear plan in place and the stress of changing your address will be more easily managed.
Paul Pinkus
General Manager, Canterbury Place
VERVE Senior Living