Question: What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
Elizabeth: To always stay positive and never lose hope in life no matter what. I grew up in Scotland and was always taught to be strong. I think we are only given one life and we should try our very best to find the things that make us happy and do them any time we can. I love to dance and if there is music playing then I’m going to be on the floor dancing along to it. If you have a positive mind and good heart, you can overcome just about anything.

Question: What is one things that has surprised you about getting older?
Dorothy: Pretty much everything! I can’t remember my left from my right most days. Sometimes that can be a good thing though. Everything is brand new when you can’t remember.

Question: If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
Joy: To not take things personally or too seriously. I think when you’re a woman you work really hard to make people happy and never take the time to do things for yourself. It isn’t until you’re older that you realize you don’t have to be that way. I think that it is important to slow down sometimes and to never be afraid to take risks. To be honest, I think I was pretty good when I was younger. Maybe if I could go back and tell my younger self something it would be to just have more fun.