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We empower our residents with the choice and inspiration to live a full, happy life through our signature programming.


The first step to incorporating exercise and physical activity into daily life. Go4Life is a fitness program that includes walking and emphasizes the importance of resistance exercise with the goal of achieving overall brain health.


All Verve Life Enrichment Managers are certified CanFitPro trainers. These specialized fitness programs are designed for either group or personalized sessions utilizing music and the latest fitness trends for cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, and endurance training. CanFitPro also included stretching and relaxing.

Meet Me at the MoMA

Our unique art program offers residents the opportunity to create art in different mediums and engage in intellectual conversations about art history, the artists, and their works based on prints, sketches, and photography from the Museum of Modern Art.

Artfull Enrichment Program

Our high-quality art program promotes creative expression and lifelong learning. Each one is uniquely designed to empower our residents with creativity as well as enhance the social connectivity of the Verve community.

Java Music Club

Residents help residents in this effective, evidence-based peer support program that adds purpose and meaning to their lives. Through music and expression, residents offer each other emotional support to combat loneliness and social isolation.

Java Memory Care

Similar to our successful Java Music Club, enhanced resident interaction that cultivates meaningful emotional engagement is designed to improve the quality of life for those living with the effects of late-stage dementia.

Fit Minds

Fit Minds programs are evidence-based Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Programs based on Language and Music, Visual/ Spatial Orientation, Working & Long Term Memory, Critical Thinking and Computation skills.

Because of the concept of brain plasticity, we know the brain can continue to grow as we age. The key question for many of us is how do we make that happen?

Fit Minds group cognitive stimulation programs are designed to be delivered by Life Enrichment Managers and Life Enrichment Assistants. With fresh programming every week, you and your residents will never feel like you are doing the same old thing.

Challenging and engaging your residents with exercises that are novel and complex means they are working their minds in every session. And the results can be quite remarkable!


We are pleased to announce a new Signature Program for 2022.

The DrumFIT Classic Music, Memory & Motion program for older adults ensures that people living in advanced age can still engage in the fun, physical, and social engagement to live a happy life. Using drumsticks and a yoga ball, either standing or sitting, participants follow the video instruction and their activities director, and drum along with great generational music.

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