We now work in the “after” times, meaning “after Covid-19 pandemic” and refer to the “before” times. We used to serve our residents meals daily in the dining room, they would sit and chat with each other over a coffee and dessert. Now, we go door to door with carts and racks loaded with all the goodness needed for each resident, for each meal. We deliver a snack each night for those who are diabetic, so they can keep healthy with the nutritious items they need. Residents are using their own mugs and we fill them to the brim with coffee, tea, and love!
Before, we would call residents and say, “you have a parcel at the reception desk, when you like, come by and pick it up.” Now in the “after” times, we have a cart and our reception staff collect parcels from a safe distance, the parcels and care packages are delivered suite to suite. It is nice to see the smiles when a resident gets a special something from a family member, even a big pack of toilet paper!
We used to stock our tuck shop and residents could come and browse and pick out essentials like chips and chocolate bars. Now we have loaded up a tuck cart and added new items like cleaning wipes, TP rolls and hand sanitizer along with the required chocolate bars and potato chips and go door to door once a week.
Bingo used to be played “before” in a room with lots of folks, sitting around tables playing together. Bingo now is done with a daily number given and residents play on their card over the week.
Family and friends used to come for dinner or have a visit here, now residents are learning a new language that include words like “face time, ZOOM and Skype.”
Spiritual services were held in house with various volunteers from local churches, for Easter, we adapted and played the Pope’s Easter message on a big TV, for one resident at a time.
We have adapted in so many ways, too many to list. The team at Courtyard Gardens has taken the task of adapting all aspects of our service delivery to new heights.
Amanda Hill
GM Courtyard Gardens