Dr. Hemstock Residence was a dream that was given to the late Ray Nelson. It was his desire and goal to build a residence that showed respect and love for the elderly. He wanted those who lived inside the walls to feel a part of society even though they are no longer in their own home. Dr. Hemstock Residence was built in 2001 by Nelson Group. They broke ground in May of 2000 and the building was completed in the fall of 2001. Ray Nelson urged for the residence to be given the name to honor and in the memory of the late Dr. James W. Hemstock. Dr. Hemstock had spent time as a medical officer near the end of World War II. He served in Lloydminster from 1946 until 1985, where he retired. Dr. Hemstock was able to cover most areas of medicine. However, he did specialize some in obstetrics. Dr. James Hemstock passed in 1997. Our Assisted Living Residence stands as a monument to his almost 40 years of selflessness and caring for Lloydminster residents. The dedication of this building also brings honor to his compassion and contribution to the community. How fitting, as the residents is specifically designed to support assisted living with many conveniences. In 2006, the need was recognized for additional suites and Hearthstone Place was added on. This building was designed to support more independent living while still offering the support services needed as we age. The building was completed in the fall of 2006 and the first residents moved in shortly after. In 2011 Nelson Group sold Dr. Hemstock Residence & Hearthstone Place to Verve Senior Living.
In 19 years, there have been many staff and residents come and go from the building. They have welcomed residents from Lloydminster and surrounding area to Dr. Hemstock Residence or Hearthstone Place. They have also seen others from farther away choose to make Dr. Hemstock Residence and Hearthstone Place their home. Dr. Hemstock Residence and Hearthstone Place are more than just an assisted living residence. The residents and staff are a family that work together day in and day out to make the most of life. Residents all hold a special place in the hearts of staff. It is the pleasure of staff to help, not only the residents, but also family members make the transition from moving from their own home to The Dr. Hemstock or Hearthstone place. It is an honor to share in the life of the residents and to be a part of the community. It is a privilege to carry on the legacy that Mr. Nelson felt so passionately about 19 years ago.