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The first step to feeling successful is defining what success actually means to you.

Is it a great job with good benefits, high salary, and a certain number of vacation days? Is it the joy of getting to do something that you love every day for a job that perhaps doesn’t make as much money, but allows for better balance in your life? Perhaps it’s a combination of the two. And if you’re in your retirement years, the definition of success can also extend to charitable work, achieving health goals, or reaching certain milestones.

But how do you keep yourself going to achieve those goals and reach your definition of success?

Start by setting goals

This is perhaps one of the most important steps because if you don’t have an end-point in mind, how are you ever going to get there? 

  • Be specific in your goal setting. “I’m going to get fit this year” isn’t going to help you when it comes to reaching a health goal. It’s all in the how: How many times a week are you going to exercise, what are you going to do during those sessions, and with whom. You can even plan for a certain time of day (if it’s not a set fitness class). 

  • Visualize yourself achieving your goal. What does being more fit look and feel like? How has it influenced your life? The more you can lean into it, the better chance you have of working towards it because your goal will feel more real.

  • Journal or create a vision board. Write down all the above so you have a record to reflect on along the way, and refer back to at the time you’ve set to achieve your goal so you know if you’re where you’re supposed to be, or have some adjustments to make to get there.

Then set the stage

Surround yourself with positive people who support your vision for success. If you’re not busy expending energy on convincing others, you have more to dedicate to your goals! 

This goes for your space, too. A clean and tidy living space will help you to focus better. If you’re constantly surrounded by clutter, it can fill your physical space as much as your mind’s eye, taking up valuable real estate and energy.

If it’s a new fitness routine hobby, make sure you have the right equipment before you start so there’s no excuse once you do! And no matter what your idea of success is, a healthy, happy mindset is crucial to your motivation. You can have all the physical support in the world, if your heart and mind aren’t in it, you won’t accomplish anything close to what you’re actually capable of.

And establish a solid routine!

While you’re setting the stage for success, include things like regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, and nutritious meals. Strengthening the mine-body-spirit connection on a regular basis will help fuel you to go for what you want in life.

Making a daily and/or weekly habit of something—even if it’s something you love to do and therefore figure you’ll do all the time—will help you take the little steps to get there. 

Celebrate the small wins along the way

We do mean every single one of those little steps along the way! Journal, make a calendar or list to check off; whatever visual tools help you to feel accomplished. Celebrate your wins with rewards, whether it’s a treat you’ve been craving or time out with friends; whatever brings you joy is a celebration in itself!

And remember, everything is better together

If you have an accountability partner, someone you can confide in about the struggles as well as the celebrations, you’re more likely to continue along your path to success. Your friends and family, or chosen confidante, can be that motivation on the days you just don’t feel like it—just as you can do the same for them.

Making all the above a part of your life will help with a positive attitude: the main fuel for motivation when it comes to achieving your success this year!

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