It’s a fact: Kindness is contagious.
It’s also a fact that every single one of us has the potential for kindness.
Imagine that by making the choice for ourselves to live from a place of positivity, where we translate our positive mindset into positive actions, we influence others to do the same. Now, if every single person we influenced to have a brighter day in turn does the same: what would happen in our community? Our country? The world?
Think of a pebble dropping into the middle of a still pond. The effort required to drop said pebble is very little, yet the ever-expanding ripples it creates spreads to every inch of the water’s surface.
Whether you know it as the ripple effect or the butterfly effect—when a butterfly beats its translucent wings, the vibrations are felt miles away—this phenomenon is nothing new. A concept most of us have at least heard of, it requires very little effort for maximum effect.
Or does it?
Taking a positive approach to all situations can be tricky sometimes. Maybe someone cut us off to snag the parking spot we’d been waiting for, or made a rude remark, that can be hard to shake off depending on how the rest of our day had been going—or worse, can case a negative ripple effect on the rest of our day.
Instead of reacting negatively, try taking a breath. Consider what happened in the other person’s day before responding in kind to their rudeness or lack of regard. Perhaps your lack of response, or a reaction completely opposite to the expected, is just the thing to diffuse the situation and could even turn around their attitude to one of kindness, as well.
When we practice empathy and compassion, we’re also laying the foundation for optimism. We see the possibility in others, and that effort leads to better communication. And if we see the good in others in our community, we’re more like to help them.
Ways to Put Positivity Into Action
Like any other part of mindful living, from gratitude to meditating, kindness is a daily practice that can eventually become part of a healthy routine to bolster the mind, body and spirit. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture! Often it’s the little moments that end up mattering most, as long as they’re made with conscious effort.
A few ideas for small acts of kindness to incorporate into your daily routine:
- Smile at a stranger! Too often we pass our neighbours by, yet here we are, living our parallel lives at the grocery store, in line for a coffee, or at the park. A smile is the simplest, but best gift you can give someone.
- Hold the door open! It’s a mindful moment that lets others know they’re seen.
- Volunteer for a cause you care about.
- Phone a friend! Our lives are lived digitally, but nothing is quite like the human voice when it comes to comfort and connection.
- Do something creative. You’ll never know who you inspire with your actions!
All it takes is that first effort to inspire and empower others to pay acts of kindness forward, creating that beautiful ripple effect, one person at a time.