Limitless living begins with state of mind.
Making the conscious decision to live each moment for what it is presently, rather than what it could’ve been or might happen in the future, can be a lot harder than it sounds. It takes practice! And the beautiful part about that is, every minute of every day gives you the opportunity to try it again.
Once you’ve taken the step to approach the present moment for what it is and let go of positive or negative outcomes, feeling like the outcome is positive in some manner or it being simply a learning opportunity does become easier! Over time, negativity will dissipate in favour of this more joyful outlook, which in turn boosts confidence, energy, and the will to approach life with verve, leading to: Limitless Living.
How do you nurture that healthy mindset?
1. Get good sleep by implementing a healthy bedtime routine.
2. Nurture the body with healthy foods.
3. Exercise at least once a day—endorphin rushes are no joke!
4. Practice embracing every moment’s outcome without prejudice or extreme joy; it just is!
5. Journal your feelings and experiences to gain perspective, among other health benefits.
Getting into this healthy mind-body-spirit routine conditions you to be inherently more open and accepting of new situations, experiences, and opinions—ultimately making it easier to try new things!
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Trying New Experiences and Embracing Adventure.
Establishing the right mindset, as outlined above, is paramount to embarking on Limitless Living. It’s part of understanding that there is no set of standards for which to compare yourself to: This is your life, and only you can live it the way you want to live it.
With older age comes the possibility of physical challenges, but those are just that: challenges to meet and explore and fight through with a positive mindset (again, see above! See how important the mind is over the body?). Now that retirement age is upon you, time may feel like it’s flying by faster, but in reality, you have the same amount if not more now to do the things you’ve always wanted to in the absence of all those “must do’s” that plague regular life, like work and other obligations.
Ask yourself: What is my reason for waking up and getting out of bed? Basically, ‘If I could do anything today, what would it be?’
Journal your answer(s) to refer back to! And then get started:
1. Expect to let go of expectations and get comfortable with the uncomfortable! Uncertainty is the only certainty. Now that that’s out of the way!
2. Start small! Consistent baby steps will help you to increase your adventurous spirit while decreasing the discomfort at the same time! Like easing into a warm bath, it’s lovely once you’re there.
3. Try new things! From food to activities or joining a club. What’s that thing you’ve always wanted to do? With all that mindset work you’ve been doing, you’ll have the courage to step out of your comfort zone a little.
4. Risky business: Trying something new might still be scary, but you never know where those experiences will lead you; from new friendships to a new hobby, the possibilities are limitless!
5. Failure is part of it all. And really, nothing is truly a failure; simply another opportunity to learn and grow.
Celebrate every step, every experience, and don’t forget to keep a record of your adventures!