Dear Neighbours,
Thank you for your interest in the Riverwalk Senior Living Retirement Residence. We are sending this update in order to keep you informed and up to date on the project and how it may affect you.
- Detailed Excavation will continue through the month of August.
- Concrete trucks and a pump will be on site most days as the team begins the footings for the structure.
- Structural steel will be delivered to site throughout the month. Deliveries will happen in the loading zone on 25th Ave SW.
- The section of 25th Ave SW between 4th St and 5th ST will be closed August 15th & 16th as we erect the crane.
Triangle Park
- Triangle Park was substantially completed July 31st.
- For the month of August we will reopen the park further by reducing the area of the site fencing. This will allow access to added green space around the perimeter of Triangle Park and more specifically will allow access to the playground. The fencing will remain until the week of August 20th, allowing the newly planted sod and plant beds an opportunity to establish. Once there is confirmation that the plant material has been established the fencing will be removed.
Prospect Trail
- The second of the infrastructure projects involves connectivity enhancements to Prospect Trail. This will include a new pathway from Cliff Street SW, to a new staircase linking to the existing trail network that runs along the slope from north to south and extends to Hillcrest Avenue SW. Improvements will be made to the surface of the trail and a section of in-slope timber stairs with a handrail will be added to a particularly steep section. Detailed construction drawings are about to be submitted to The City for final review and approval and we hope to have the work underway before the end of summer. Note that this work is being undertaken in conjunction with Parks Capital.
Should you require additional information about either of these projects, please contact Parks Community Strategist for Centre City, Ron Buchan, at or (403) 370-9370.
Primary Construction Contact is Russ Douglas ( or (403) 589-7698).
- There will be dump trucks on sight (Monday to Friday) for bulk excavation
- Deliveries will take place in the loading zone of 25th Ave SW
- All work will be completed during The City of Calgary Bylaws as per our permit (Monday-Saturday 7am- 10pm)
- There are two site entrances. The main entrance is in the alley connecting 4 St SW and 5 St SW so that we impede traffic as little as possible. The secondary entrance is located on 25 Ave SW, which may have smaller vehicles entering/exiting the site from time to time.
- When needed, we have trained traffic controllers on our site in order to guide our trucks and local traffic safely and efficiently.
- The sidewalk on 25th Ave SW remains open. There is protective hoarding and overhead protection for those who use the sidewalk but it is recommended to use the sidewalks opposite the site whenever possible.
Site Safety Measures
- Signage, barriers, fencing, pylons and traffic control personnel are all utilized on the site to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists.
- Please obey any signs or traffic control personnel when near this site. They are all there for your safety.
- This construction site will remain open during the Covid-19 pandemic as we are deemed an essential service by the Alberta Government. We will continue to stay informed with updated information and follow all guidelines and meet all standards put in place by the Alberta Government to ensure we are doing our part in keeping everyone safe.
Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.