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Riverwalk Construction Update – April 2022


  • The Material Hoist will be operating along the South side of the property (25th Avenue SW)
  • The site team will continue the exterior framing, window frame install and cladding. Swing stages will be operating on all sides of the structure.
  • During the month of May, the North curb lane along 25th Avenue will be closed to accommodate deliveries and concrete. Traffic will still be open for both East and West bound vehicles.
  • We will have Ten crews on site during the month of May.


  • There will be various trucks onsite Monday to Saturday for delivery of building materials. Mobile equipment will be used to offload some delivery vehicles.
  • Deliveries will take place in the loading zone of 25th Avenue SW.
  • All work will be completed during The City of Calgary Bylaws as per our permit (Monday-Saturday 7am – 10pm). Work may continue outside the normal working hours. However, all work will be completed in accordance with the City of Calgary’s Noise Exemption Permits.
  • When needed, we have trained traffic controllers on our site to guide our trucks and local traffic safely and efficiently.
  • Please watch for construction vehicles, workers, and detour signs.

Site Safety Measures

  • For the safety of the community, the adjacent sidewalk along 25th Avenue SW will be closed for the foreseeable future. Please use the southern sidewalk by Safeway for safe access.
  • Signage, barriers, fencing, pylons and traffic control personnel are all utilized on the site to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists.
  • Please obey any signs or traffic control personnel when near this site. They are all there for your safety.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.